For 7 ways to increase construction site security watch this short informative video!
We know that working on a construction site presents constantly changeable situations. Like how one stores their supplies securely! During after-hours periods, in particular, it can be prime time for the less scrupulous among us to take advantage of an empty site and anything that isn’t bolted down (even then, who knows).
From fasteners and other consumables to power tools and building materials, here are 7 tips you can implement today to decrease your chances of losing your valuables from the worksite.
For all your construction & building site security and building needs, we are your trusted and reliable go-to guys (and ladies)!
To learn more about our impressive range of security solutions we invite you to contact us info@gambusecurity.co.za | (039) 682-6694 | Whatsapp & after-hour emergencies (076) 658-7362 | Directions to our office
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At Gambu Security & Cleaning we pride ourselves on offering targeted, innovative security systems and services that deliver solutions. As a turnkey service provider, we are able to provide our expertise and services to the retail, medical, governmental and commercial industries.
If you would like to learn more about world-class security and guarding services as well as our facilities management services, please feel free to contact us today. We are standing by to assist you!
“Guarding your future”
For more information:
info@gambusecurity.co.za | (039) 682-6694 | Whatsapp & after-hour emergencies (076) 658-7362 | Directions to our office
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