Armed Response
Regardless of your industry, we offer an armed response service that will not only meet your needs and expectations but exceed them. When opting for our armed response service you get the additional peace of mind knowing you are dealing with a company you can trust. We will be there to protect you, your property…
Hijacking prevention guide
Please familiarise yourself with this useful Hijacking prevention guide! Unfortunately, Hijacking is a reality in South Africa. It is not something any of us like to think of or even consider it ever happening to us. We believe that failure to prepare, is preparing to fail, and we don’t want that for anyone! So please…
Corporate and warehouse protection
Vandalism, theft, and rioting are rampant throughout South Africa, and it’s costing companies in the millions. We understand the importance and value in corporate and warehouse premises protection and guarding. It’s for this reason we exist. Gambu Security & Cleaning will always be there to guard and protect your assets and premises. Whether it be…
Avoid spreading infections
Hand hygiene, either with soap and water or with alcohol-based hand rub, is one of the best ways to avoid spreading infections to others and getting sick. Hand hygiene is an easy, inexpensive, and effective means to prevent the spread of germs and keep everyone healthy. Please, follow carefully the steps shown in this training…
Message to South Africa
At this challenging time, please take note of our message to South Africa! When standing united as a nation regardless of race, religion, creed and gender we can overcome all and any adversity! Whatever the Covid-19 epidemic may take from us physically and financial it can never take our humanity! We urge all South Africans…