FREE cleaning service
Enjoy FREE cleaning service rewards when signing up! What is your cleaning service provider doing to thank you? Our customers enjoy FREE cleaning service rewards when signing up! We will not only leave your premises sparkling clean, we will also SAVE you money while doing it! Don’t miss out as this is a limited time…
Professional Hospitality Cleaning
Do you own a hotel, B&B, guest house or holiday home? We offer a professional hospitality cleaning service that is customisable to suit your exact needs and budget! At Gambu Security & Cleaning we pride ourself on offering targeted, innovative security systems and services that deliver solutions. As a turnkey service provider, we are able…
Offer your business or building protection
Being an essential security service provider we are able to offer your business or building protection during these scary times! We will have a security unit deployed within 24 hours to safeguard your premises as well as its assets! With the Nationwide Covid-19 lockdown in full effect, most residents are safely at home with their…
Easter with your loved ones
Let us take care of your corporate security and facility management so that you can spend time enjoying Easter with your loved ones! At Gambu Security & Cleaning we pride ourself on offering targeted, innovative security systems and services that deliver solutions. As a turnkey service provider, we are able to provide our expertise and…