Offer your business or building protection
Being an essential security service provider we are able to offer your business or building protection during these scary times! We will have a security unit deployed within 24 hours to safeguard your premises as well as its assets! With the Nationwide Covid-19 lockdown in full effect, most residents are safely at home with their…
Avoid spreading infections
Hand hygiene, either with soap and water or with alcohol-based hand rub, is one of the best ways to avoid spreading infections to others and getting sick. Hand hygiene is an easy, inexpensive, and effective means to prevent the spread of germs and keep everyone healthy. Please, follow carefully the steps shown in this training…
Message to South Africa
At this challenging time, please take note of our message to South Africa! When standing united as a nation regardless of race, religion, creed and gender we can overcome all and any adversity! Whatever the Covid-19 epidemic may take from us physically and financial it can never take our humanity! We urge all South Africans…